Setup Unbound - a validating, recursive, caching DNS resolver

Software · 8 mins read
In the following guide we will install and configure our own instance of a validating, recursive, caching DNS resolver. We will opt for Unbound from NLnet Labs on a Debian based linux distro, but this same configuration can be used across kernels and other supported operating systems. To proceed, open a terminal window and paste the following command: sudo apt install unbound During the installation process some error messages may appear

Extend the lifetime of a soldered SSD

Hardware · 10 mins read
Hard locked, highly integrated devices with practically all components soldered on, go hand in hand with obsolescence. For example, the limited longevity of soldered SSDs is like having a virtual usage stamp on any device that uses them. They are not the only short life consumables, but you may continue to use a laptop with a highly used battery that gives just a few minutes of autonomy, but you are in a pickle if your internal SSD is in a non-working state due to the exhaustion of the finite amount of writes that each NAND cell is capable of doing